Occasionally you will see your activation count go higher than expected. Here are some possible reasons for computers taking up an activation:
- Normal First-Time Install
- Application Server Hosted Application
- Changing Hostname
- Launching De-Activated Client (Deactivation Instructions)
- Occasional Client Upgrades
If you find you are out of activations more quickly than expected, follow the steps below.
Application server misreading activations
If you are running Genesis R&D Foods on an app server environment, such as Citrix, VDI, VmWare, Terminal server, etc., your server app may assume the activations are per launch rather than per computer. This will eat up your licensed activations quickly. |
To prevent this from happening, you will need to edit the .exe.config file.
1. Close all open connections to the database. This includes any open ESHA programs (Genesis R&D Foods, ESHA Port, etc.)
2. Browse to find the config file in the path where your program is installed. This is typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Esha Research\GenesisSQL (or EshaPortSQL).
3. Look for a GenesisSQL.exe.config (or ESHAPortSQL.exe.config) file.
4. To edit the File either:
- open Notepad as an Administrator and navigate to the file
or - Copy the file to the desktop, edit the file, save changes and copy and replace the config file back to the program folder
5. Locate the <esha.licensing> section, typically near the top of the file.
6. Add the following just before the closing </esha.licensing> tag:
<machineId providerType="PerDomain" />
This is XML so be attentive to spelling (of course), but also capitalization.
7. That section should look something like this when finished:
<licenseService url="https://accounts.esha.com/licensing/Service.asmx" />
<licenseWeb url="https://accounts.esha.com" />
<idserver oauth2TokenEndpoint="https://login.esha.com/issue/oauth2/token" />
<database useRegistryFallback="true" />
<machineId providerType="PerDomain" />
8. Save your changes. If you previously copied the genesissql.exe.config file to the desktop for editing, copy and replace the file back to the program folder.
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